Local presidents and activists in Washington joined former president Larry Cohen.

From left: Michael Schendel, David Hyde, JJ Carter, Larry Cohen, Ted Frederick, Jake Williams and Darrin Hartman.
Hundreds of CWAers and allies rallied against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) last weekend at the Festival for Trade Justice in Tacoma, Wash.
For more than two years, a diverse coalition of local organizations – from labor, environmental and community groups – have been leading the fight against the TPP, a massive trade deal written by and for the corporations. Activists have succeeded in blocking ratification of the agreement, and mobilization will be more important than ever this fall.
“We are demanding that elected officials across the country, including Representatives Derek Kilmer and Denny Heck, listen to their constituents and not to multi-national corporations expecting TPP to cut costs and boost profits.” – Larry Cohen, CWA’s former president.
“Washington deserves better than a trade deal that would ship our jobs overseas, lower our wages, and leave our clean air and water vulnerable to corporate attacks,” said Alex Harris, Sierra Club. “We’re rallying to raise the bar and make sure our representatives stand on our side – the side that will protect American jobs and our clean water, clean air, and climate.”
The Anti-TPP Rally and Festival for Trade was organized by CWA and other union and community organizations.